Migration from In-product SF HR Integration to SAP SuccessFactors Integration with HRSD store applicationMigration from In-product SAP SuccessFactors HR Integration to SAP SuccessFactors Integration with HRSD store application Who is this document for? This document is relevant for the customer using existing in-product SAP Successfactors integration and plan to up-take the new store app. What are the steps to follow? Stop the old integration Inactivate the scheduled job - HR Integrations-SuccessFactors Sync Inactivate the BRs that trigger outbound services to SAP Successfactors . Navigate to the URL ( replace the instance_name in the URL with your instance name) Configure the new integration : Refer to link here In Old integration, uses employee_number as coalesce field for transformation whereas the new integration uses the correlation id. The follow the steps below , before the first integration is run Temporarily change the coalesce field from correlation_id to employee_number in the HR profile transform map URL ( replace the instance_name in the URL with your instance name)Run the integration job Navigate to the SAP SuccessFactors source ( replace the instance_name in the URL with your instance name)Click the "Run Job" UI action ( This triggers the integration job to pull all the employees) Change the coalesce field back to correlation_id, after the job completes successfully