'Created by' user displayed in flow context when the flow is triggered by a script.SummarySymptom: Once a flow is triggered by a scheduled job, you can see the field 'Created by' of flow context, sometimes shown as 'system', sometimes shown as a particular user. Cause: The flow API executeFlow executes the flow asynchronously. When this API executes, it creates the sys_flow_context record. If you check the record in table sysauto_script, there is a field called 'Run as' as well. The field 'Created by' from flow context would display the user that marked at field 'Run as' of the record in table sysauto_script, no matter what is set at flow property. If the field 'Run as' in sysauto_script is empty, it would show 'system' at the field 'Created by' in the flow context.