When "Agent Workspace" is the only experience in the "Workspace" Experience Category IN "UX Application Category M2Ms" Records, It does not open anything.DescriptionWhen Agent workspace is the only one associated with "Experience Category" = "Workspace", if "Agent Workspace" is clicked from the dropdown menu (three dots), the page in a new tab opens with success [This for example when the page size is reduced or the zoom is high]If the page is opened via the visible button "Agent Workspace" in the header, the page doesn't open unless we right-click and select open link in a new tab.Steps to Reproduce 1. Go to any San Diego Instance with Polaris UI Enabled. 2. Navigate to the "UX Application Category M2Ms" List. 3. Clear out all records under the "Workspace" Experience Category. 4. Create a new record for "Experience Category" = "Workspace" and "UX Application" = "Agent Workspace" as per https://support.servicenow.com/kb?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB1115711 5. Log into the instance and ensure "Agent Workspace" is displayed in the header menu. 6. Click on the "Agent Workspace". Expected behavior:When clicked on Agent Workspace, it should open the Agent workspace in a New TAB. Actual behavior: It does not do anything.WorkaroundThis problem has been fixed. If you are able to upgrade, review the Fixed In or Intended Fix Version fields to determine whether any versions have a planned or permanent fix.Related Problem: PRB1574370