How to setup dynamic translation on email notifications for first time?SummarySince Tokyo version and onwards, ServiceNow allows both static and dynamic notifications to be sent from the instance. More details about this feature in our documentation page Localization Framework support for email notifications The steps below are intended as and example and general guidance to see how the dynamic translation would work. Currently Tokyo version is not supporting sending the email digest in the localized form. It is expected that we only send the emails with localized content. Push, SMS and messaging content are not supported for dynamic translation. Additionally, cc and bcc fields as well as meeting invitations are not supported for dynamic translation.ReleaseTokyo and onwardsInstructions1. Once you have upgraded to Tokyo, make sure you have installed the plugin Glide Notification Translation com.glide.notification.translation on the instance. 2. Make sure you have installed the plugin Localization network / com.glide.localization_framework with the languages you want to use in the translations (for example com.snc.i18n.spanish / I18N: Spanish Translations) 3. Validate you have Installed com.glide.dynamic_translation plugin 4. Check the table system property and create (if it does not exist) the true/false property glide.notifications.translation.dynamic with value = true 5. Go to the dynamic translation properties(sn_dt_translator_configuration) in the filter navigator and enable Validate you have your selected translator active. You would need more steps that depend on links shared below as additional information. 6. Before testing a notification, make sure dynamic translation is up and running. More information in our official documentation page Dynamic translation overview. You would require to set up the proper credentials. It would look as the next screenshot: Here is an example of how dynamic translation link would be seen in the activity log: 7. In the filter navigator, go to the Localization Framework - Settings . The list will display records from the sn_lf_setting table. 8. Create 3 settings for the three artifacts email_layout_configuration, notifications_configuration and email_template_configuration respectively. In the translation preferences tab set to true the checkbox Enable machine translate ✅ and select the translator of your preference. 9. Go to the notifications sysevent_email_action table and edit or create a new notification that will have the dynamic translation functionality 10. Select the advanced view 11. Set in true the flag "Enable dynamic translation" ✅ . If you do not see the option, you can include it via form layout configuration. Instructions about this step are available in the documentation page Configure form layout 12. Make sure the recipient language is properly set in the sys_user.language field. Any user which language matches the default system language property glide.sys.language (which is English by default) will not generate translated notifications since source and target languages are the same. For example if sys_user.language is DE (German) and instance system language is DE (German), it is expected that all custom notification content is written in German and having notification translations for users with different languages such as English, Italian, Spanish, etc. 13. If you have Xanadu and onwards, check the system property if you want to use preferred language instead of sys_user.language field. More info in our Multilingual email notifications documentation page. The preferred language set is honoured when the property is set to true. To set user preference for email translation: Set the property to true (if the system property does not exist you can create it)Login as or impersonate the specific userNavigate to User menu > Preferences > Language & region, select and set the preferred language. 14. Go to the table used in the notification (for example incident, case, task, etc) and make changes in a record to meet the conditions to send an email from the created sysevent_email notification record (for example change the short description, description, etc). 15. The system will create a sys_email record with the message in the standard language 16. You will find a new tap at the bottom called Translated email contents that will show the emails sent on each language. The tab will show records from the sys_translated_email_content table for the specific sys_email record. Translated messages will be included in the sys_translated_email_content table * Optional: If you want to trigger the notification from a flow, you can to change the notification sysevent_email_action.generation_type field (Send when) to the value = "Triggered" Related LinksThe translation is helped with the subflows of translate text depending on the translator that you have selected in the dynamic translation config For more information about the Languages used in ServiceNow Notification, please refer to our documentation page Localization framework To use the Localization Framework to fulfill the translation requests, please refer to Artifact Configurations documentation Links above are part of this feature Localization Framework support for email notifications All information about this feature in Dynamic translation for email notifications documentation For external reference to IBM translator and questions, please visit their Language translator website and Getting started with Language Translator For external reference to Microsoft Azure translator and questions, please visit their Language translator overview website and Getting started with Language Translator By default, the following translation service providers are supported by ServiceNow: IBM. To sign up, see the IBM main website and Getting started with Language Translator.Microsoft. To sign up, see the Microsoft documentation.Google. To sign up, see the Google website and Set up Google Cloud Translator Service spoke. Important: Ensure that the Google Cloud Translator Service spoke is installed in the ServiceNow Store. Important: IBM has announced the deprecation of the IBM Watson Translator Service for IBM Cloud in all regions. As of June 10, 2023, the Language Translator tile will be removed from the IBM Cloud Platform for new customers; only existing customers will be able to access the product. As of June 10, 2024, the service will reach its End of Support date. As of December 10, 2024, the service will be withdrawn entirely and will no longer be available to any customers. For more information, see More info at IBM translation spoke documentation page For static email notification translations, please refer to the KB article KB1156957 How to setup static translation on email notifications for first time