My Reservations page is loading continously and not showing resultsIssue When users reserving a workplace, such as a room for a single or recurring meeting, try to check all the reservations done by them, then the page /sp?id=wsd_reservations does not show and keeps on loading.CauseThe issue is occuring due to the user criteria defined in the reservable module. The user is not meeting the criteria and causing the issue.The below error will be traced in the localhost logs:09:01:10.360 App:<a href="" target="_blank">Workplace Reservation Management</a> [ERROR] sn_wsd_rsv (WSDLogger): [WSD][WSDReservableModuleServiceSNC.isValidReservableModuleGr]:: Reservable module user criteria not met. [Payload]: {}ResolutionMake sure the scripted user criteria defined in the reservable module are not restricting the affected users in their respective departments.