In problem form Inactive groups or users visible/selectable.DescriptionIn problem form Inactive groups or users visible/selectable.Steps to Reproduce 1. Log in into any instance (reference: demo nightly US) as admin2. Inactivate the group Database and inactivethe user Beth.Anglin who is a member of that group3. Create New Problem, and enter mandatory fields. 4. Save.5. In Assignment Group submit Database and save. Worked. Partner reports this should have been prevented. (<-- problem))6. In Assinged To submit Beth.Anglin. Beth is in the Database group and is herself inactive. Partner (running earlier build) reported Beth was accepted. For me running last night's build this didn't get accepted. So this is OK possibly but we should confirm before closing this, because this DEF is linked to the partner's PRB on partnertesting instance.7. Change the assignment group to Database Atlanta (which is active) , save, then try to assign to (the active user and member of this group) Bow Ruggeri . Fails to find this user and indeed even without a filter fails to find any users WorkaroundThere's a before query business rules on sys_user_group (8bc68db4a9fe3dba019af3e7368c3679 ) as well as sys_user ( 62a7bfaf0a0a0a6500c49682bd82376a ) tables, this BR will ensure user only see active groups if user is not having admin role. This is working as expectedRelated Problem: PRB1406522