Copying attachment assigns a domain even if target table is non-domain separatedDescriptionCopying attachment assigns a domain even if target table is non-domain separatedSteps to Reproduce In OOB, activate Domain separation with Demo DataAs a user in Top/Default, submit a proposal (Standard Change Catalog > Template Management > Propose a new Standard Change Template)Attach a fileRequest ApprovalApproved In the associated record producer, create a user Criteria (Available For) including a user in a different domain eg TOP/Cisco Actual behaviour: User who passes the record producer criteria but on a different domain eg (TOP/Cisco), cannot copy the attachment from Standard change template to change request.It should have been copied over to the change request Expected behaviour: User who passes the record producer criteria and has the same domain as the template proposal Top/Default can copy the attachment from Standard change template to change request The module is currently using the platform functionality of copy attachment API which copies the attachment on the originating domain (TOP/Default) for the record producer table, thus user in TOP/Cisco cannot read or copy the attachment even if user has access to the record producer.WorkaroundPlease see Fixed in versionsRelated Problem: PRB1594871