which value the discovery would consider ?SummaryQ. What are the below properties? What happens when both of them are set to true and the device returns different values with WMI Queries and DNS resolution, then which would discovery consider? 1) glide.discovery.hostname.dns_nbt_trusted 2) glide.discovery.hostname.wmi_trusted A. glide.discovery.hostname.dns_nbt_trusted: DNS or NetBIOS is trusted host name source: If set to true, trust the device name discovered via DNS or NetBIOS. If checked, CI's host name found via DNS or NBT is used. glide.discovery.hostname.wmi_trusted: WMI is trusted host name source: If set to true, trust the device name discovered via WMI. If checked, any device name found via WMI is used instead of the name found by a reverse DNS lookup. WMI, SNMP, SSH trusted will be used first when set to true and DNS will just be a fallback Discovery Properties