Total Number of Products and Snapshot of Last Meaningful Activity widgets on SaaS Overview dashboard shows incorrect valueDescriptionTotal Number of Products and Snapshot of Last Meaningful Activity widgets on SaaS Overview dashboard shows incorrect value when SaaS apps are installed with demo data.Steps to Reproduce 1. Install "Activate all Software Asset Management Professional plugins" (com.sn_samp_master) with demo data. 2. Install "Software Asset Management - SaaS License Management" (sn_sam_saas_int) with demo data. Note: Make sure all dependent apps are installed too. 3. Run the reconciliation for all publishers. 4. Run the PA job: "Subscription - Daily Job". 5. Install SAM Workspace plugin. 6. Navigate to Workspaces > Software Asset Workspace > Software Asset Analytics dashboard and observe the Total Number of Products & Snapshot of Last Meaningful Activity widgets. Observe that the widget shows a relatively huge value. 7. Apply the same filter conditions that are mentioned in the respective PA Indicators on the Subscriptions table. Observe a different value shown.I.e. the relative URL to view the records real time is: / 8. Group by Product. See a different count than the Total Number of Products widget shown on the dashboard. 9. Click the drill-down on Snapshot of last meaningful Activity and observe a similar issue: / problem has no workaround, is under review and targeted to be fixed in a future release. To receive notifications when more information becomes available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form.Related Problem: PRB1589873