An archive rule is not deleting certain recordsIssue An archive rule is not deleting dependent(related) records when the main record is deleted.ReleaseRome P5CauseBelow is the expected behavior of Service Now platform and this is the way in which the functionality has been designed.The expected behavior we have for the actions "Archive" and "Delete" for related records is,Archive:Case 1: If you have "Archive" action on the related record and "Archive" on its related record, it archives both the related record and its related 2: If you have "Archive" action on the related record and "Delete" on its related record, it archives the related record and deletes its related record.Delete:case 1: If you have "Delete" action on the related record and "Delete" on its related record, it deletes the first related record and only clears it reference in its related record cuz we do not follow through its dependent records for this action.Deviating from already set behavior may have negative effects on the records as mentioned below:If customer wants to delete the related records when the main record is deleted then customer can set the cascade delete on the main table to delete its dependents. But there is warning /caution mentioned below:***Negative Efffect/Warning Caution: The cascade delete that customer set will be triggered everytime a record in base table is either archived or deleted. It is required to be extra cautious when setting a cascade delete on a base table and make sure its effects are also understood Especially when the base table is archived- It deletes its dependent record and cannot be restored*ResolutionIf we have "Delete" action on the related record and "Delete" on its related record, it deletes the first related record and only clears it reference in its related record cuz we do not follow through its dependent records for this action. If we want to delete the related records when the main record is deleted then you can set the cascade delete on the main table to delete its dependents. But there is warning /caution mentioned below:***Negative Efffect/Warning Caution: The cascade delete that you set will be triggered everytime a record in base table is either archived or deleted. I would be extra cautious when setting a cascade delete on a base table and make sure you understand its effects. Especially when the base table is archived- It deletes its dependent record and cannot be restored*