In VA dashboard, conversation end state widget does not show expected result of conversationsIssue In Virtual Agent Dashboard, the conversation end state widget is not showing the correct amount of conversations. For example, OOB open the virtual agent dahboard 1. On overview filter for last 12 months2. On conversation, total number is 71. Now scroll down on overview and notice the conversation ends state widget. This (71) should be equal to sum of all numbers on the conversation ends state widget but it does not, the conversation end state widget shows 59 ReleaseSan DiegoCausePlease refer to the following documentation: Currently, we are considering only the above-mentioned 12 out of the box end states. Any conversations that fall under any other state (such as error or invalid user input) will not be displayed on the dashboard as of now.Thus the total count of the conversation end state widget not matching the total number of conversations is expected.ResolutionWe may be looking into the addition of these other end states as an enhancement. Please reach out to idea portal.