Consumables are not getting reserved in agent stockroom instead creating just a record with '0' quantity upon agent accepting the WOTDescriptionConsumables are not getting reserved in agent stockroom instead creating just a record with '0' quantity upon agent accepting the WOT.Due to this the agent is not able to use the part and throwing error on screen 'Invalid Quantity'.On agent accepting the work order task, an additional consumable asset gets created with quantity as zero in the personal stockroom, reserving it.Steps to Reproduce Pre-requisite: 'Reserve parts in Agent stockroom' config should be set to TRUE in Field Service -> Configuration page.1. Add any consumable in an agent stockroom with a state as 'Available' and quantity of say '100'.2. Create a WO/WOT.3. Create a Part requirement for that WOT with that same consumable as above, quantity as '10' and 'Mandatory' box checked.4. Now assign the same agent as in step 1 to the WOT.5. Notice that 10 consumables would move to 'Pending transfer' state and and remaining 90 would be in 'Available' state5. Access the WOT as agent and 'Accept' the WOT.The 10 consumables in Pending transfer state are not moved to 'Reserved' state, the records stay and another record with 0 consumables 'Reserved' gets wrongly created.WorkaroundThis problem has no workaround, is under review and targeted to be fixed in a future Tokyo patch. To receive notifications when more information becomes available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form.Related Problem: PRB1589995