Employee Center: Approvals in "Completed" tab of "My To-dos" are not ordered/sorted properly.DescriptionIt's mentioned per the documentation the expected behavior in the HRM Todos Summary widget: "Completed: Lists all tasks that have been completed. The most current completed tasks appear at the top of the list and sorted by time stamp." However, currently the completed tasks are appearing in an inefficient/unexpected sort order.Steps to Reproduce In a baseline instance with demo data and Employee Center plugins active, impersonate an example user with approvals (ex: Christen Mitchell) Navigate to '/esc' service portal, and select the My Tasks menu. This directs you to the "/esc?id=hrm_todos_page" Approve and 'Open' approval and take note of the CHG number or task being approved. After approving, find the approved task in the list of Completed items Expected outcome: Completed approvals are sorted from newest to oldest.Actual result: Completed approvals are sorted from oldest to newest.WorkaroundThis issue has been fixed in Feb'23 (version 28.0.2) store release of Employee Center apps. Please request to upgrade to the fixed version to get a permanent fix. This is also backported in TP7. Fix: Records are sorted in descending order of field "closed_at" if it is available, else they are sorted in descending order of field "sys_updated_on". To receive notifications when more information is available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of the article. If you are able to upgrade, review the Fixed In or Intended Fix Version fields to determine whether any versions have a planned or permanent fix. The fix is available in 28.0.2 and Tokyo patch 7Related Problem: PRB1587579