Why is Short Description in workflow editor mandatory (for Catalog Task, Create Task or other activities)Issue I'm trying to set up several catalog requests to dynamically populate tasks using the 'Catalog Task' activity. The problem I'm running into is that 'short description' is set as a required field in the workflow editor, which doesn't allow me to leave it blank. CauseFor the 'Catalog Task' and 'Create Task' WF Activities, there are UI Policies: Two 'Fields' WF UI Policies for Catalog Task and Create Task activities: /wf_ui_policy_list.do?sysparm_query=short_descriptionSTARTSWITHFields&sysparm_view= Within these two WF UI Policies, there are four WF Policy Actions and in each 'Fields' WF UI Policy, there is an action for 'task_short_description' and it is set to Mandatory = True. ResolutionOnce you open the correct 'Fields' WF UI Policy (Catalog Task, Create Task), scroll down and locate the 'Workflow UI Policy Actions' related list (seen in image above)For the Variable row 'task_short_description', double-click on 'true' (under the Mandatory column) and select 'Leave alone'Click the Green Check mark to confirm