Cost Plan Breakdowns's Exchange rate date is out of fiscal period when instance timezone is not GMTDescriptionIt is found that the "Demand currency Exchange rate date " in cost plan breakdowns is getting from fiscal_period's fiscal_start_date_timeIf the local time zone is not GMT then the fiscal_start_date is not considering the timezone and "Demand currency Exchange rate date " does not match with user's requirement.for examplelocal fiscal_period's fiscal_start_date is April-1st JSTfiscal_period's fiscal_start_date_time is Mar-30 GMT"Demand currency Exchange rate date "wil lbecame Mar-30 instead of April-1stSteps to Reproduce 1. in any instance change the local timezone to JST 2. create a fiscal period with start date of April -1st with Japan time3. create cost plan and generate cost breakdown with non-USD currency and associate with the fiscal period above.4. check the "Demand currency Exchange rate date " in cost break down is Mar-30 instead of April-1stWorkaroundWhenever the local timezone of the instance changes, the "demand currency exchange rate date" has been populated with the previous month's value instead of the current month. For solving this issue, we need to replace the below function in "FinancialsForPPM" script includes. getExchangeRates: function(arrayOfFiscalPeriodIds, fromCurrency, toCurrency) { var result = {exchangeRatesSysIds:[], exchangeRates : [], exchangeRateDates : []}; var fmCurrency = new SNC.FMCurrency();var fiscalPeriodGr; if (typeof arrayOfFiscalPeriodIds == "undefined" || typeof arrayOfFiscalPeriodIds == "string" || typeof arrayOfFiscalPeriodIds == "number") return result; for(var i=0;i<arrayOfFiscalPeriodIds.length;i++) { var rate = fmCurrency.getExchangeRateOfFiscalPeriod(arrayOfFiscalPeriodIds[i], fromCurrency,toCurrency); if(rate!=null &&{ fiscalPeriodGr =new GlideRecord('fiscal_period'); fiscalPeriodGr.get(arrayOfFiscalPeriodIds[i]); result.exchangeRatesSysIds.push(rate.getUniqueValue()); result.exchangeRates.push(rate.getValue('rate')); result.exchangeRateDates.push(fiscalPeriodGr.getDisplayValue("start_date_time")); } else { result.exchangeRatesSysIds.push(""); result.exchangeRates.push(""); result.exchangeRateDates.push(""); } } return result; } Related Problem: PRB1553302