Report Graphs are missing when scheduled report is exported to PDF, resulting in "Error: Export failed using AVP servers"Issue Scheduled reports when exported to PDF are missing the images of the graphs. "Error: Export failed using AVP servers"This issue is very likely Intermittent, CauseThe Graphs in reports are rendered by a Cloud service called AVP, This service is a Datacenter Service for the purpose of rendering the Graphs, which is a shared resource for multiple customers. We are aware that the Older "AVP Service" can experience issues when multiple Graphs for scheduled reports are requested at the same moment. The Issue is related to too many requests at the same time to the Service (resulting in 503 errors on the Service itself). The Customer will have the following system properties active in their instance that will confirm,That they are using the Older Service: With Value: "http://avp"glide.avp.server.enable_new With Value "false". As a result the requests for rendering the graphs are sent to the Older Service that On peek requests may not have the capacity required to handle all the requests from all customer instances. ResolutionPlease check the following first: The PAR Export server needs to be installed and deployed before it can be used.You can set the amount of time the export process waits before timing out. The sys property is 'com.snc.par.export.timeout' and the value is in milliseconds. Please keep in mind the value you set com.snc.par.export.timeout too should be greater than the maximum time it takes for your report to run manually. Then, check the following properties on a "Sub-production instance" First:for the purpose of testing this procedure for production: This is a safe Harbour statement the changes are Low risk. On the customer instances experiencing this issue Set value: glide.avp.server.enable_new to value "true" (this will enable the New processing for "Embedded report images".) (instead of the Old One). Further assure that the property: exists (type: string) with Value: http://parexport (If it does not exist kindly create it.) This will point the instance to use the PAREXPORT Server to render the Graphs, Also, it is our recommendation to set the system property: to Value: http://parexport These properties exist because of changes and internal improvements of our ServiceNow data center services. and exist point your instance to use the New Services instead of the Old Services. Most instances are still deployed with the Deprecated services enabled. But it is our recommendation to update the above-mentioned to assure that the New and improved Services are activated.