The Global Search in HR Agent Workspace is not working for AgentDescriptionGlobal search by HR agent user return no results in HR Agent Workspace.Steps to Reproduce Log in to a Rome instance where HR Agent Workspace is installed.Log in as an admin.Navigate to HR Agent Workspace.Search with some keyword that returns a KB article.Log in as an HR agent user.Search with the same keyword Results are not returned although related KBs exist. An HR agent user (without the sn_hr_ws.admin role) is not able to access HR workspace records in sys_search_source and m2m_search_context_config_search_source tables. WorkaroundCreate read ACLs in the scope "Human Resources: Workspace" with 'sn_hr_core.case_writer' role for the sys_search_source and m2m_search_context_config_search_source tables respectively2. Do a cache.doRelated Problem: PRB1548692