In Virtual agent, 'Report an IT case' topic doesn't create the incidentDescriptionWhile trying to create an incident by using "Report an IT case" topic, it doesn't show the incident and it displays "No agent available message" Release or EnvironmentRomeCauseThe issue is happening due to the statement below in the line 25 of the VACreateINCUtil script include, using both the VACreateINCUtil Script include and the OOB "Create Incident" topic block an Out dated version// Line 25vaSystem.attachRecordToConversation("incident", incDetails.sysid);ResolutionNeed to upgrade the "ITSM Virtual Agent Conversations" plugin, with the latest version 6.5.3, so that it gets updated version of script include "VACreateINCUtil", also need to duplicate the "create incident" topic block again since it is also updated as a part of the fix