Delivery time is set incorrect on ritmDescriptionThe delivery time on catalog item form is set as 5 days but, it shows 2 days on the RITM.There doesn't seem to be any workflow associated with these items, so the question is if the delivery time is not being used, where are these delivery times being calculated from? CauseThe delivery time is being set from the flow designer which is configured in the flow stages. As per the flow configuration in the " Flow stages ", the delivery time is set to the 3 specific stages :1. Waiting for approval = 1 day2. Fulfillment = 1 day3. Delivery = 2 days Ideally total must be 4 days.ResolutionWhy it is set to 2 days instead of 4 days?The stages used in the flow are only 2 "Waiting for approval" and "Fulfillment"So the delivery time specified for the above stages is 1 and 1 respectively so total will be 2 days.The delivery time specified on the catalog item form is being ignored and considering the days specified and used in the flow.