External users are not able to select any user in 'Assigned to' field in the portalIssue External users are not able to select any user in ‘Assigned to’ reference field on the portal page when their preferred language setting is German.However, there is NO issue for the internal agents/admins when the preferred language is either English/German in either Agent Workspace/Portal Steps To Reproduce 1. log in to instance as admin 2. Impersonate with ‘External’ User 3. Go to the portal page where the issue is reproducible. 4. Set the language as English 5. Open any record in the portal and go to the from where the 'Assigned to' field is present. 6. Assigned to field consists of choices to select. 7. Go to settings and change the language to German and re-load the form(where the 'Assigned to' field is present). 8. Assigned to field choices shown as empty.ReleaseAll ReleasesResolutionThe system property "glide.service_portal.reference.sort_by_language" need to set to false to fix the issue.