Software Asset Management: Active Rights and Allocations Available of Entitlement are greater than Purchase RightsIssue For entitlement records brought out of retirement, it is observed that Active Rights and Allocations Available are greater than Purchase Rights.CausePlease verify if the entitlement is brought out of retirement. If yes, then please review the below details on how the active rights and allocations available are calculated. 1. Active rights: Link for Verify and set active rights: https://<instancename> when the entitlement was brought out of retirement, we fell into the below IF statement designed to reset the number of rights.// If the prior state was retired, reset the active rights// Or pervious lincese was subscription and now we are perpetual the restore rights valuesif ((previous.install_status == RETIRED && current.install_status != RETIRED)|| ((prev_license_duration === SUBSCRIPTION_LICENSE && previous.install_status == ON_ORDER)&& ((current_license_duration === PERPETUAL_LICENSE && current.install_status != RETIRED)|| (current_license_duration === SUBSCRIPTION_LICENSE && current.install_status != RETIRED && current.install_status != ON_ORDER )))){Check this statement new_active_rights = old_active_rights + (current.purchased_rights - previous.purchased_rights);Based on this statement, we are checking the old active rights as well. 2. Allocations Available: Link for Calculate Allocations Available: https://<instancename> Please review the above business rule, specifically this part: current.allocations_available = current.rights - Number(allocSum.getAggregate('SUM', 'quantity'));So allocations would be (rights) - (Sum of Quantities mentioned on the device) The value of Quantities would be from from alm_entitlement_user table. Resolution Preventative Measure(s): When bringing an entitlement out of retirement we need to simply revive it first. Changing the number of purchased rights after. This would allow the number to be reset and then accurately calculate active rights from the new purchased rights.