Translation failing in Service Portal due to an incorrect label for the no-results textDescriptionService Portal. -no results text is showing a wrong label Steps to Reproduce Navigate to: /sp?id=search&spa=1&q=%D0%A1%D0%BF%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%B1%D0%BE%20%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%88%D0%BE%D0%B5&disableAllSuggestions=false&disableSpellCheck=false The no-results message shows:"")] Instead of: "No results for <term_with_no_results>"WorkaroundThis problem is fixed in an upcoming release. If you are able to upgrade, review the Fixed In or Intended Fix Version fields to determine whether any versions have a planned or permanent fix. The workaround would be to create a new UI Macro called 'ais_sn_components_i18n', adding the following jelly template in the xml field section: <script> 'use strict'; window.__TRANSLATIONS__ = { "Search": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Search")]', "Close dialog": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Close dialog")]', "All": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("All")]', "Most relevant": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Most relevant")]', "Sort search results": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Sort search results")]', "Filters": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Filters")]', "Clear all": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Clear all")]', "Clear all Filters": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Clear all Filters")]', "Clear": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Clear")]', "Show fewer": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Show fewer")]', "Collapse Section": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Collapse Section")]', "Expand Section": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Expand Section")]', "Done": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Done")]', "Back": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Back")]', "Sort by": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Sort by")]', "Showing results for": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Showing results for")]', "Search instead for": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Search instead for")]', "It's missing information I want": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("It's missing information I want")]', "I am not looking for an article": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("I am not looking for an article")]', "It doesn't answer my question": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("It doesn't answer my question")]', "I am not looking for a person": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("I am not looking for a person")]', "I am looking for a different person": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("I am looking for a different person")]', "I am not looking to request something": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("I am not looking to request something")]', "I want to request something else": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("I want to request something else")]', "better genius result": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("better genius result")]', "Clear search term": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Clear search term")]', "Submit search": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Submit search")]', "Clear recent search": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Clear recent search")]', "Cancel search": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Cancel search")]', "Recent Searches": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Recent Searches")]', "Search for people, programs, and more": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Search for people, programs, and more")]', "{0} items selected": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("{0} items selected")]', "More": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("More")]', "Selected tab: {0}": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Selected tab: {0}")]', "More tabs": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("More tabs")]', "View information in grid mode": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("View information in grid mode")]', "View information in list mode": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("View information in list mode")]', "Page {0}": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Page {0}")]', "Showing 0 records": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Showing 0 records")]', "Showing {0}-{1} of {2}": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Showing {0}-{1} of {2}")]', "Showing {0} through {1} of {2}": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Showing {0} through {1} of {2}")]', "Go to first page": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Go to first page")]', "Go to previous page": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Go to previous page")]', "Go to next page": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Go to next page")]', "Go to last page": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Go to last page")]', "Records per page": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Records per page")]', "Pagination": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Pagination")]', "was": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("was")]', "Link opens in new window": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Link opens in new window")]', "busy": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("busy")]', "away": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("away")]', "available": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("available")]', "offline": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("offline")]', "Cancel": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Cancel")]', "Confirm": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Confirm")]', "Execute action": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Execute action")]', "Confirmation": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Confirmation")]', "Field action for {0}: {1}: {2}": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Field action for {0}: {1}: {2}")]', "EVAM Model": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("EVAM Model")]', "Field Model": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Field Model")]', "Form Model": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Form Model")]', "List Model": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("List Model")]', "Related List Model": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Related List Model")]', "selected": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("selected")]', "No results found": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("No results found")]', "Unknown User": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Unknown User")]', "User Avatar: {0}": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("User Avatar: {0}")]', "+ {0} more": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("+ {0} more")]', "Clear ({0})": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Clear ({0})")]', "Remove": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Remove")]', "Collapse": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Collapse")]', "required": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("required")]', "Try updating your search.": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Try updating your search.")]', "Your search": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Your search")]', "has no matches": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("has no matches")]', "Keep on searching": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Keep on searching")]', "No results for \x22{0}\x22": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("No results for \x22{0}\x22")]', "Try entering shorter phrases, or using different words in your query. For example, try \x22vacation days\x22 instead of \x22how many days vacation\x22.": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Try entering shorter phrases, or using different words in your query. For example, try \x22vacation days\x22 instead of \x22how many days vacation\x22.")]', "Feedback": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Feedback")]', "Select Rank for Search Result": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Select Rank for Search Result")]', "More_menu": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("More_menu")]', "Was this suggestion helpful?": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Was this suggestion helpful?")]', "Yes": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Yes")]', "No": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("No")]', "Thanks for the feedback.": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Thanks for the feedback.")]', "Thanks for letting us know!": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Thanks for letting us know!")]', "To help us improve, please let us know why this isn't helpful": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("To help us improve, please let us know why this isn't helpful")]', "Send feedback": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Send feedback")]', "Close dialog box and send feedback with selected reason": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Close dialog box and send feedback with selected reason")]', "Top result": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Top result")]', "Optional": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Optional")]', "More information": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("More information")]', "Edit": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Edit")]', "Country code: +{0}": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Country code: +{0}")]', "Call": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Call")]', "Met requirement: {0}.": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Met requirement: {0}.")]', "Unmet requirement: {0}.": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Unmet requirement: {0}.")]', "Unmask password": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Unmask password")]', "Mask password": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Mask password")]', "Card Actions": '$[JS:gs.getMessage("Card Actions")]' }; </script>Related Problem: PRB1516824