Requirement to visualize Incident details on OOB widget "Case Related Records"Issue Case is used to resolve complex issues end-to-end, proactively fix problems, and drive action to solve common requests more quickly and efficiently. The requirement is to view the incident records, i.e incidents related to the case on the case related widget. Steps to reproduce: Open the portalNow open any case and check for related records where incident data is not visibleCauseThe requirement is not possible as the Case Related Records widget is referring the script include mentioned below to get the related record details. https://<instance-name> But the script include is read-only where customization cannot be done to the script.ResolutionYou need to clone the widget and create a new script include, which gets the related records for the incident as well. Then the custom script include needs to be referred in the widget at line number 6 in the server code. Widget: https://<instance-name> LinksLine number 18 in the script include is checked.