Logos in Agent Workspace are not same for all users when there are no records to displaySummaryFew users when upgraded to the SanDiego release they see different log's for different users in the Agent workspace when there are no records and it says "No records to display."For some users, it is showing old Logo's from Rome upgrade and for others it is showing new Logo's from San Diego upgrade, this is not consistent for all.Usually, in Rome it shows 3 images for screen resolution <=90%, >90% and <125% and >125% . In Sandiego it shows 3 images for screen resolution <=90%, >90% and <125% and >125% However, When users upgrade to Sandiego they still see the Rome images in agent workspaceRelated LinksEven after the upgrade, if images from Rome release are seen in the Agent workspace , Try clearing the browser Cache/History to see the Sandiego images when there are no records and it says "No records to display.