How to show the count of MyApproval and MyTickets in the portal even with zero Approvals or TicketsDescriptionThe OOB portal behaviour in case there are no approvals to approve is to not show at all on the page, as well as if there are no Tickets assigned. Only if there are any Approvals or Tickets assigned then they will show on the portal with the relative count. This article describes how to show the count of MyApproval and MyTickets in any portal even when there are zero (0) Approvals or Tickets assigned: InstructionsNavigate to the table [sp_ng_template].Open the 'menuTemplate' the Template field replace the existing code with the below: <a role="menuitem" ng-if="item.items.length == 0 && !item.scriptedItems" ng-href="{{::item.href}}" ng-click="collapse()" target="{{::item.url_target}}" title="{{::item.hint}}"> <fa ng-if="::item.glyph" name="{{::item.glyph}}"></fa> <span ng-bind-html="::item.label"></span> </a> <a role="menuitem" aria-haspopup="true" ng-if="item.items.length > 0" href class="dropdown-toggle sp-menu-has-items" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-controls="{{::item.label.split(' ').join('')}}" aria-haspopup="true" title="{{::item.hint}}"> <fa ng-if="::item.glyph" name="{{::item.glyph}}"></fa> <span ng-bind-html="::item.label"></span> <span class="caret"></span> </a> <ul ng-if="item.items.length > 0" class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" id="{{::item.label.split(' ').join('')}}"> <li ng-repeat="item in item.items" ng-include="'menuTemplate'" role="presentation" /> </ul> <!-- ACORIO MODIFICATIONS --> <a role="menuitem" aria-haspopup="true" ng-if="(item.scriptedItems.count > 0) && !item.scriptedItems.widget" href data-toggle="dropdown" aria-label="{{::item.label}} : {{item.scriptedItems.count - 1}}" tooltip-placement="bottom" uib-tooltip="{{::item.hint}}"> <fa ng-if="::item.glyph" name="{{::item.glyph}}"></fa> <span ng-bind-html="::item.label"></span> <span ng-if="::!item.scriptedItems.omitBadge && item.scriptedItems.count > 0" class="PFF_1 label label-as-badge label-primary sp-navbar-badge-count">{{item.scriptedItems.count - 1}}</span> <span class="caret"></span> </a> <a role="menuitem" aria-haspopup="true" ng-if="item.scriptedItems.widget" href data-toggle="dropdown" aria-label="{{::item.label}}" title="{{::item.hint}}"> <fa ng-if="::item.glyph" name="{{::item.glyph}}"></fa> <span ng-bind-html="::item.label"></span> </a> <!-- acr end --> <sp-dropdown-tree role="menu" aria-label="{{::item.label}}" ng-if="item.scriptedItems.count > 0" items="item.scriptedItems.items" /> Save the MenuTemplate. Additional InformationNOTE: Once this change is done, as it is a code customization, any updates available in future ServiceNow patches or releases to "MenuTemplate" will be skipped by the upgrade process.