When linking an application to source control facing an unexpected errorIssue - When trying to link the application to source control facing the following error: The operation encountered an unexpected error. Check the node log fileReleaseRomeCauseNoticed the following two issues: Issue 1: - Unlike linux mid server, the trailing tab space after the table name in the sys_choice payload caused this issue because it is treated as an invalid character in windows mid server. Issue 2: - In the sys_choice_set table, there are duplicate records for the same column, one in which the table name has a trailing tab space and other without it.ResolutionFix for Issue 1: - Removed trailing tab space after the table name in the sys_choice table. Fix for Issue 2: - Removed duplicate entry from the sys_choice_set table where the table name has a trailing tab space and also removed the corresponding sys_metadata_delete record. - This resolved the issue and application linked to source control successfully.