Employee Service Center approver form not displaying RITM variables and throwing up error messagesIssue In Employee Service Center, approver form not displaying RITM variables and throwing up below error messages Could not find approval recordCould not find Activity Stream recordJavaScript error Cannot read property "comments" from nullLine number 113 (sp_widget.34a149f0531130107eb7ddeeff7b1271.script)Script source code logged to browser consoleFailing widget: 'Todos Approval Actions' (34a149f0531130107eb7ddeeff7b1271) called from: 'Todos Requested Item Approval' (7e258e3a531130107eb7ddeeff7b124e) called from: 'To-dos task Line Item' (a4716c8f53d3130030f3ddeeff7b1288)Cause1. Users with only "approver_user" role are getting the following error messages when the to-do's page is accessed. 2. This is a Problem# PRB1516599 and the issue here is that the given user do not have the required roles.ResolutionHR Dev has fixed the issue and the fix is available as part of the November Release of Employee Center bundle.