Unable to Add Users with HR Roles to Groups When glide.ui.schedule_slushbucket_save_for_group_roles is TrueDescriptionActivating slush bucket save job results in created/updated being system.This can result in assignments failing as system is not allowed to grand scoped roles, or would at least remove audit visibility of the actual user doing the assignment.De-activating this may result in a timeout when assigning users. When admin user without scoped admin role trying to assign/remove scoped protected roles, there's inconsistent behavior in non-interactive session vs. interactive session When the system property glide.ui.schedule_slushbucket_save_for_group_roles set to true, adding or removing HR roles in user group does not work. There is a message showing "Job to add or remove role(s) from user(s) of group has been queued" but the role is not added / removed.Steps to Reproduce Log in to an instance and add the property, "glide.ui.schedule_slushbucket_save_for_group_roles", setting it to True.Navigate to System Security ➔ GroupsSelect any groupSelect the 'Group Members' tab and hit 'Edit'From the slush bucket add any user not in the group alreadyFrom the group form make sure you have 'created' and 'updated' in the list viewNotice that both the fields are set system. If you repeat steps 2-6 with the property set to FALSE, you will notice the fields are set to whichever user you are logged in as.WorkaroundThis problem has been Fixed. If you are able to upgrade, review the Fixed In section to determine the latest version with a permanent fix your instance can be upgraded to. As a workaround, sometimes, but not in all cases, one can temporarily disable the system property glide.ui.schedule_slushbucket_save_for_group_roles by setting it to false when needed to add/remove a user from a scoped group, and re-enable the property afterwards. Temporarily set the glide.ui.schedule_slushbucket_save_for_group_roles system property to false.Open the user role admin.Under the related list Contains Roles, click Edit buttonAdd HR core admin role sn_hr_core.admin.Click Save.Revert the above property to true.Related Problem: PRB1539950