Requested Software status not chnaged to "Installed"Issue The Reconcile Requested Software job runs sucessfully but the status of requested software is not being updated accordingly.CauseThe below job runs to update the requested software status. JOB : Reconcile Requested Software The script has the below logic.Script: discoModelId = swrGr.requested_item.cat_item.software_config.discovery_model.sys_id Records in sn_client_sf_dist_req_software table are being processed. Test Script :var gr = new GlideRecord("sn_client_sf_dist_req_software");gr.addQuery("sys_id",""); The sysid of the record in tablegr.query();while ( {var isInstalled = getInstallationStatus(gr);if (isInstalled) {"record should be installed");}}function getInstallationStatus(swrGr) {var modelId = swrGr.application.model.sys_id;var discoModelId = swrGr.requested_item.cat_item.software_config.discovery_model.sys_id; // get all installations for the"discoModelId:"+discoModelId);var gr = new GlideRecord("cmdb_sam_sw_install");gr.addQuery("installed_on", swrGr.device); // if discovery model is configured on software configuration, check if// software installation associated to discovery modelif (discoModelId != "") {gr.addQuery("discovery_model", discoModelId);gr.query();gr.getRowCount();;if (gr.hasNext()){var count= gr.getRowCount();gs.print("rcount: "+count);return true;}} GlidePluginManager().isActive("com.snc.sams"));gr.orderByDesc("sys_updated_on");// Query modified to avoid unnecessary loops and just query directly insteadgr.addQuery("discovery_model.model", modelId);gr.query();if (gr.hasNext()) {"Test");}else{"Test2");}} If the O/P is something like below Output :*** Script: discoModelId:undefined*** Script: 0*** Script: true*** Script: Test2 It means that discovery model is missing which is causing the job to fail. The script doesn't have catch block for this error and the job fails and no record is updated. ResolutionPlease make sure that the discovery model exists for all the records present in the table if not please delete the same if the record is not required.