[Advanced wirk assignment] Agent's status is setting to offline Issue If you navigate to the awa_agent_presence_history table, you would see that right after the agent sets the status to Busy or Away, the system changes the state to OfflineReleaseAll supported releases.Cause1. In the agent workspace - presence state configuration, the state Busy & Away is set to true for Available to receive work items. This means that even if the agent has set the status to busy, the agent will get a work item/chat of the agent has got sufficient capacity. You can check it here - https://xxxxx.service-now.com/awa_presence_state_list.do?sysparm_query=&sysparm_view= 2. Now for all the agents who were set to offline, had set the status manually to Busy or Away.3. They got a new chat as the state Busy or Away allows the system to push a work item to the agent's inbox. 4. The agent did not accept the work item/chat. 5. The assignment rule that is being used has the After timeout presence value is set to Offline. You can validate this further by performing the below steps if any chat timed out for the agent. - Navigate to awa_work_item_rejection- Check for the agent and the time the status changed to offline.- Check if any interaction got timed out for the agent at the same time the state changed to offline.ResolutionTo mitigate this from happening again: 1. Set the value for Available to receive work items for the state Busy to - false. This means that if the agent's status is busy, no new chat will be routed to the agent. Or 2. Clear the After timeout presence value from the assignment rule used for routing the work items.Related LinksOOB we recommend that when the state is set to Away or Busy, no work items or chats should be routed or assigned to the agent.