As admin, users are not able to edit any field on forms such as incident, sc_req_itemIssue The admin user is able to view the form, but all the fields are read-only The form context menu also does not work for the user. The instance is domain separated, the the roles are given for different domains.ReleaseAll supported releases.CauseCheck the user profile and see it the user has admin role. Also check if the user has got the snc_external role. While check the console logs, you would see this message: {"data":{"error":{"message":"External User Not Authorized","detail":""},"status":"failure","session":{"notifications":[]}},"status":403,"config":{"method":"GET","transformRequest":[null],"transformResponse":[null],"url":"/api/now/embeddedhelp/sc_req_item/normal?","headers":{"Accept":"application/json, text/plain, */*","X-UserToken":"22b14f7897d7c15c8d56bf9fe153afffb140008850602baabbe6c2976307a4f8256f4a0c","Cache-Control":"no-cache","Pragma":"no-cache","X-WantSessionNotificationMessages":"true"}},"statusText":"Forbidden"} Resolution- You cannot have snc_external and admin role at the same time as has a conflict with regards to the access in the platform and the modules. - admin role can only be given to internal user or users with snc_internal role. - This is an expected platform behavior and cannot be changed. You need to remove the snc_external role. The reason being, external users cannot be admins of the platform.