When I type in the navigator the name of an installed plugin, such as Agent Workspace, the module does not show up in the instance navigator.Issue I have confirmed the plugin is installed, such as Agent Workspace, but when I go the instance navigator, and search for the module, it does not show up. Why is this happening?ReleaseAllCauseThere are several things to check: 1. Go the System Definition ----->Modules in the navigator or go the modules table (sys_app_module.list) 2. Search for the Title of the module of interest (eg. Agent Workspace Home) and enable the Active field in the list view. 3. Check to see the Active field is set true. 4. Check the Roles field and be sure you meet the required roles to access the module. 5. If the module is still not visible, check the parent module in the sys_app_module table. For example, for Agent Workspace Home, the parent module would be Workspace Experience. 6. Using Agent Workspace Home, as example, search the sys_app_module table for the Title=Workspaces and open it up. 7. On the record, you will see the Title=Workspaces and the Application menu=Workspace Experience. Hit the informational icon by this field and open the record. 8. Check if Active=true on Workspace Experience. If it is NOT set to true, then the parent module will not be visible and none of the child modules will be visible. Please be sure active is set true, and then the parent and all child modules should be visible.