Variable values are being stored incorrectly in the History of the sc_task recordDescriptionWhen changes are made to the Global variable on the sc_req_item, the updates in the history are being propogated to the child sc_task, but the same update number from the sc_req_item history is being used with respect to the sc_task record. This causes an issue with update numbers being duplicated in sc_task history.Steps to Reproduce 1. Create new catalog item (only need to set name) for example "Testing SLA".2. Create new variable for catalog item of type "Single line text" (or as you wish) with name like "Test".3. Modify this variable as global.NOTE: by default it is set as false, so set it to true.4. Create new SLA definition with this config:* Name: SLA test* Table: sc_task* Target: resolution* Start condition: Priority is "2 - High" (set retroactive start and pause, "set start to" as "opened", "when to cancel" as "start conditions are not met"* Pause condition: State is "Pending" ("When to resume" as "Pause conditions are not met")* Stop condition: Active is "false"5. Create a request for item of point 1.6. Go to RITM of the request and change the value of variable, do this twice and save.7. Go to one of the SCTASK records.8. Change priority to "3 - Moderate".9. Wait some seconds and change state to "Open".10. Wait some seconds and change priority to "2 - High".This triggers the SLA defined at point 4. The audit history on sc_task update number is duplicated, leading to the business elapsed time value in Task SLA to be incorrect. The pause duration is also incorrect, and the same in SLA timeline.WorkaroundThis problem has no workaround, is under review and targeted to be fixed in a future release. To receive notifications when more information becomes available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form.Related Problem: PRB1558871