What is the use of "Additional Comments(customer visible)" field on feedback tasks if it is not visible on the portal.Issue When a feedback task is created and a comment is provided back as it is not posted to the portal then what is the use of the "Additional comments(customer visible) "field in the feedback task table. Steps To Replicate: Take any OOB instance. Follow the below DOC and setup the actionable knowledge feedback -KB0818194 - Enable actionable knowledge feedback Create a KB Feedback and KB Feedback Task by rating the article not Helpful.The customer is expecting the Additional Comments in the KB Feedback Task to get updated in the portal. Note: Make sure below properties are enabledhttps://instance_name.service-now.com/sys_properties_list.do?sysparm_query=nameLIKEactiona&sysparm_first_row=1&sysparm_view=&sysparm_choice_query_raw=&sysparm_list_header_search=trueCauseExpected behavior.ResolutionOn platform, "feedback tasks" section is purely for internal use to improvise the KB article based upon the feedback of users. Here from internal users I mean authors of the article. "Work note" section is there for exchanging information between two or more person working on the feedback task, or to use it as a logger. Since all these information is only for internal use for authors and so we don't show any of these comments to the end user. ' Now coming to the "additional comments (customer visible)", Since we have extended our "kb_feedback_task" table from "Task" table so this field is there but we don't show any of the comments added in this section to the end users. Again, it is just because, "kb_feedback_task" itself is only for internal usages.Related LinksHow to set up Knowledge Feedback and Knowledge Feedback Task KB0712422