Delegate of a Delegate is unable to View / Approve an Approval RecordIssue You are finding that a delegate of a delegate is not receiving notifications and they are unable to view / update an Approval Record. Consider the following scenario: User A is assigned an Approval RecordUser A has set User B as a delegateUser B has then set User C as a delegateYou now find that User C cannot view / update the Approval for User ACauseThis is the Expected Behaviour of the System and it is not possible for the delegate of a delegate to review Approval Records of the Original Approver with the Out Of Box Behaviour.ResolutionPlease ensure that the User is a Direct Delegate of the Original Approval. For example; in the above scenario you should ensure that User C is also a delegate of User A to get the desired functionality. Other than the above we can suggest that you Raise an Enhancement Request Here on our Ideas Portal so that this idea may be reviewed by our Teams in the future.