50% and 75% SLA warnings are not sent.Issue SLA warning notifications are not working as expected. The warning at 50% and 75% are never sent, only at 100% breach.ReleaseNACauseEvents are fired but the SLA notifications for 50% and 75% have conditions configured that are not met.100%/Breach notification doesn't have any conditions configured and gets sent without any issues.ResolutionConfirmed there are no issues with the task SLA or the schedule. i.e corrupted task SLA due to changed definition or scheduleWorkflow on the SLA has no repair path - Confirmed no repair was runChecked the workflow - in this case it is a modified version of the OOB workflow ***No issues seen - the workflow seems fine - timings are correct***Checked sysevent_list - the events are all fired -no issue here Checked the Notifications: SLA warning is triggered by sla.warning event The notification has these conditions configured: Stage is In Progress Task.Priority | is | 1 - Critical >or Task.Priority | is | 2 High >and Task.Assigned to.Company.Name is not Atea AGS OR Stage is In Progress >and Task.Assigned to.Company.Name is Atea AGS Checked the audit and see the task.priority value is 4 - Low Assigned to is Jørgen Richter and Jørgen Richter.company is Atea DK The conditions for this notification do not match. Only the Stage is In Progress matches. Company value for the assigned to is Atea DK not Atea GS ***This notification will not be sent even though the event was triggered Checked the notification SLA warning2 is triggered by the event sla.warning75 ****Same issue here - The conditions don't match so the notification will not be sent even if the event is triggered The notification SLA breached is triggered by the event sla.warning.breach ***There are no conditions configured on this notification and this notification will be sent Checked the example on prod***The same issue is seen and the cause is also the same The company of the assigned to is Atea DK and not ATEA AGS Solution Proposed/Next Steps: 50% and 75% notifications are not being sent because the conditions configured for these to be sent do not match on the examples provided. Advised the customer to review their notifications, conditions and amend so that they match for the notification/s to be sent.