Background db_image fails in email notificationsIssue Cannot insert an image in the background.The image is saved in the db_image table.When inserting the image with the tag img , the image is saved in the email and appears correctly.But when it is inserted via the background attribute, the image is not attached to the notification and so doesn't received in the email. Adding <Style> body {background-image:URL('banner-img.jpg');} </Style> to HTML email body will show image in Preview Notification but doesn't appear in Outlook.ReleaseSanDiegoCauseThe img/URL tag is NOT rendered when we receive to our mailbox. Instead using Image name from db_image.list use complete URL of image. <Style> body {background-image:URL('banner-img.jpg');} </Style>ResolutionInclude in HTML Email Body : <Style> body {background-image:URL('https://<instance-name>');} </Style> Include in Email Script : Template.Print("<Style> body {background-image:URL('https://<instance-name>');} </Style>");