When Financial Project Baseline is created from "Project," the values in "Financial" tab of project are not captured in the baselineIssue Whenever a "Project Baseline" is created from the "Project," the values in the "Financial" tab are not captured from the project to "Project Baseline " in the "pm_project_baseline" table. All the fields are empty on the pm_project_baseline table.CauseFor Baseline Configuration: "Project Financial Baseline" there are no mappings in baseline_config_field_map table Hence no values are being copied over/captured. /nav_to.do?uri=baseline_config.do?sys_id=e273c7270bd203008d9ac74363673aeeResolutionCreate mappings in the baseline_config_field_map for "Project Financial Baseline" Baseline configuration, and accordingly, the values will be captured in the financial baseline. Project Financial Baseline/nav_to.do?uri=baseline_config.do?sys_id=e273c7270bd203008d9ac74363673aee baseline_config_field_map/baseline_config_field_map_list.do?sysparm_query=baseline_config%3De273c7270bd203008d9ac74363673aee%5E&sysparm_view= baseline_config_field_map_ae476b690b2603008d9ac74363673a2f.xml