Service Graph Connector For Solarwinds Throws " Unexpected char 60 at (line no=4, column no=1, offset=6)"Issue Configuring Service Graph Connector for Solarwinds "load 20 records" throws the following error: SEVERE *** ERROR *** com.glide.db.impex.json.JSONStreamLoadercom.glide.db.impex.datasource.DataSourceException: Unexpected char 60 at (line no=4, column no=1, offset=6)ReleaseAll releasesCauseThe HTTP connection set up is not correct.ResolutionChange the following values: 1. Check URL builder 2. Host: 3. Override default port: 17778 5. Base path: /SolarWinds/InformationService/v3/Json/Query 6. Protocol: https Test after setting the above values and it should fix the issue.