Undeleted records in Planning Console Financials tab displays 0 for all Cost Plans where Year is FY21Issue In case of Fiscal Year FY:21 records deleted in error, after undeleting, FY:21 is always 0 for any project/cost plan/resource plan for year 2021 in Financials Summary. On the Project Planning Console > Financials tab > Filter by Year, FY21 displays 0. When filtering by Month, there is data in FY21:M10, FY21:M11 and FY21:M12.CauseAll the records for FY21 have empty values in the 'Fiscal Year' field (not displayed by default on list view):/nav_to.do?uri=%2Ffiscal_period_list.do%3Fsysparm_nostack%3Dtrue%26sysparm_query%3DnameLIKEfy21%26sysparm_first_row%3D1%26sysparm_view%3D%26sysparm_choice_query_raw%3D%26sysparm_list_header_search%3DtrueResolutionUse the following script to populate the 'Fiscal Year' field with FY21 in [fiscal_period] table for all FY21 records: var fp = new GlideRecord('fiscal_period') fp.addEncodedQuery('nameSTARTSWITHFY21') fp.setValue('fiscal_year', '' ) fp.updateMultiple() Verify FY21 correctly populated with values in Planning Console > Financials tab > Cost Plans > Filter by Year.