Failing widget: 'HRM Task List' (40e783993bdb13004d3b695593efc488) on Acceptance TodosDescriptionGetting error messages on ESP portal for Acceptance todos.Steps to Reproduce 1. Navigate to HR > Create New Case and select a user2. Select 'Employment Verification Letter' HR Service and create the case3. Move the created case to 'Awaiting Acceptance' state4. Impersonate the subject_person and navigate to ESC portal > My Tasks5. Select the 'Accept Resolution' task6. On the 'HRM Todos Summary' widget, click on the blue link above the HR Case number>> The hrm_ticket_page page opens and the following errors are displayed:Server JavaScript error Cannot read property "sys_id" from undefinedLine number 214 (sp_widget.40e783993bdb13004d3b695593efc488.script)Script source code logged to browser consoleFailing widget: 'HRM Task List' (40e783993bdb13004d3b695593efc488)Workaround1. In the Server script of the HRM Task List widget, change these lines: while (descendants.length > 0) { var d = descendants.shift(); to these lines for (var k = 0; k < descendants.length; k++) { var d = descendants[k]; 2. Mark any invalidated Restricted Caller Access records as "Allowed". After applying this fix, the ticket page will render acceptance todos without errors.Related Problem: PRB1547109