Angular and JQuery are no longer available at the top window (top.$j) when upgrading to Polaris UIIssue When moving to Polaris UI after the San Diego release Angular and JQuery are no longer available top window (top.$j) in Client Scripts and UI Pages, etc. In order to use Angular or JQuery in custom scripts, you will need to import it into the script client scripts can use the jQuery and Angular loaded to the gsft_main frame. Client scripts run on forms, forms will still have jquery and angular. As long as they are not prefixing or targeting top (use $j not top.$j) they would still work.UI Pages need to require or include jquery and/or angular in the HTML and can still use jquery and/or angular.UI Macros can run on list, forms, or in a UI Page. When on a list/form they have jquery and angular if on a IU Page the UI Page or the UI Macro would have needed to require it.ReleaseSanDiego using Next Experience UI.CauseAngular and JQuery were removed from the top window so Client Scripts and UI Pages, etc. referencing top.$j will no longer work (use $j not top.$j)ResolutionIn order to use Angular or JQuery in custom scripts, you will need to import it into the script or in a Global UI Script to make it available for all client scripts. Documentation links: UI Scripts Require Angular in UI Page <g2:requires name="scripts/angular_includes_1.5.11.js" includes="true"/> Reuire JQuery in UI Page <g:requires name="scripts/lib/jquery_includes.js" includes="true"/> Jelly Lists and Forms still have jQuery and Angular available just not in the top window (use $j not top.$j)