Articles in portal are sorting by view count, rather than selected 'Newest' or 'Alphabetical'Issue Sorting kb articles by Newest or Alphabetical returning order that isn't newest or alphabetical. Articles being sorted on view count when these are selected.ReleaseRome Patch 4 Hot Fix 1CauseThe resource configuration has a related list 'Search Resource Context Property'. Within the 'Search Resource Context Property' related list there is a 'Condition' that has a value field. In the value field, there was a customization "ORDERBYDESCsys_view_count", that would cause the search results to be sorted by view count within the portal.ResolutionTo resolve the issue, removing the value in 'Condition', which is in the 'Search Resource Context Property' related link, will cause the sort feature to be functional again.Resource Configuration: https://[INSTANCE] Search Resource Context Property: https://[INSTANCE]