Modify all new Azure and AWS Large Payload (LP) patterns to not active state and add them to the CPG to Pattern migration scriptDescriptionAs per original design AWS and Azure(LP) patterns are added as inactive ones and they are activated with the CPG to Patterns Migration. But newly created patterns were directly added as "active" ones, which means that for instances where the CPG discovery is active, they would be triggered anyway thus mixing the discovery data to a mixture of CPG and Patterns CIs.Steps to Reproduce 1. Install "Discovery and Service Mapping Patterns" plugin- do not run CPG to Patterns migration2. Search for Azure patterns and notice that there is a combination of active and inactive LP patterns.WorkaroundThe code that corrects alls relevant Azure LP patterns to inactive is added to June release of "Discovery and Service Mapping Patterns" plugin (version 1.0.91). Once this update is installed please note that the bellow list of patterns would be modified to inactive status and in order for them to be "re-activated", all instances that run patterns discovery should perform "Migrate CPG To Pattern" once more. Azure - File Share (LP) Azure - Express Route Circuit (LP) Azure - Local Network Gateway (LP) Azure - NAT Gateway (LP) Azure - Private DNS Zone (LP) Azure - Virtual Network Gateway Connection (LP) Azure - VM Scale Set (LP) Note - In order to execute "Migrate CPG To Pattern" again and activate the now inactive Azure Patterns, the "Run Prerequisite Check" must be performed first. Related Problem: PRB1567296