0 Seconds is displaying when doing aggregation (sum/average/minimum) on a duration fieldIssue When doing Aggregation in report OR using List Calculation to get sum OR average OR minimum of a duration field, the value is displayed as 0 SecondsReleaseAny ReleaseCauseThe issue happens when one or more of the records have the duration field's value set before '1970-01-01 00:00:00'.You can check this by doing a Show XML on the record and checking the value of the field on the XML.The duration field is stored as a date/time in the backend with '1970-01-01 00:00:00' being the reference point for 0 Seconds.Any value before this time would be an invalid value in the duration field which causes the aggregations to fail.ResolutionTo get the list of records with invalid duration values, apply a filter: [Duration Filed] [is less than] 0 Seconds With the filter applied on the table, you will get all the records with an invalid value in the duration field. To fix the issue you will need to do one of the two: Option 1: Fix the values by updating it to a valid duration value.Option2: Ensure that the aggregation does not include these records (by adding a condition like Duration is greater than 0 Seconds)