When users with the French (or any Non English) language submit the catalog items, RITMS show the wrong values on quantity field (it shows more than 1)Issue When users with the French language submit the catalog items from service portal, RITM generated show the wrong values on quantity field (it shows more than 1), While if the same user submits the same catalog item in English language, then the Quantity on the RITM is set correctly. This happens only when the catalog item is submitted from service portal and not from the Native UIReleaseALLCauseOne of the cause could be the missing value of the Label field on the sys_choice records for sc_cart_item table. It could have been left empty [Compare to other language where it is setting the quantity value correctly]. refer to the screenshot below https://InstanceName.service-now.com/sys_choice_list.do?sysparm_query=element%3Dquantity%5Ename%3Dsc_cart_item%5Elanguage%3Dfr ResolutionSet the label value of the sys_choice records correctly for the sc_cart_item table and the issue would be resolved Example URL for the French language is as below https://InstanceName.service-now.com/sys_choice_list.do?sysparm_query=element%3Dquantity%5Ename%3Dsc_cart_item%5Elanguage%3Dfr