'Discover Now' performance after (Finding associated IPs for cloud schedules causes poor performance in Shazzam) fix is slow and insufficientIssue Discover Now action has a delay (~30-60s) before redirecting you to newly created discovery status record Issue resides in this logic in the UI actions script.### Discoveryvar schedule = new DiscoverySchedule(gr);for (var i = 0; i < ips.length; i++) {var ip = ips[i];if (schedule.contains(ip)) { So when DiscoverySchedule in"Discover Now" is initialised , it iterates every schedule record to find where the device's IP is located. Each Schedule can have thousands of VMs associated and we are traversing these to find IPs of their ENICs. This is because we need to know the MID server to discover the CI. New script adds logic to first check device discovery history for a schedule to bypass the need to scan all schedules for the IPReleaseSan DiegoCauseA large number of active schedules cause 'Discover Now' UI action to have a delay in redirecting you to the created discovery status record. This is caused by the current UI action scanning all schedules for the device's IP in order to utilize the schedules Mid selection criteria to find a MID for the discover now action. Schedules can contain thousands of VMs associated with them, that we then have to traverse with the ENIC query. These IPs are searched through on each schedule creating our extended run time. Steps to reproduce Regular Cloud + IP Discovery with huge number of VM Instances should be enough. After applying fix from [PRB1495931] , note that Discover Now still takes longer than expected (~30-60s)This may be due to a large number of active schedules in the instance, may not be reproducible if a majority of the schedules are inactiveResolutionApply attached update-set sys_remote_update_set_69a9becc754e8d90f8772e71c9757831.xml