Service Portal Faceted search results display maximum four fields even when display fields are configured for moreSummaryWhen searching a keyword in Service Portal, the resulting rows from search sources only show the main display fields configured for search results. I.e. maximum four fields are displayed even when display fields have been configured for more than four. The following steps to reproduce have been found in a use case scenario: 1. Go to the /sp page.2. Search for any keyword "user".3. Observe the first result is from "Incident" Search source. This search source has the selected Display Fields: Number, Priority, State, Updated.4. Verify all four fields are printed as expected.5. Observe the second result is from "Case" Search source. That search has the selected Display Fields: Number, Priority, Account, State, Updated.6. Notice the field "Updated" is not printed, ending field printing on State.ReleaseAll releases.InstructionsThe Display Fields are set as follows: 1) Go to "Search sources" under "Service Portal" from the navigation bar. 2) From the resulting list, open any record, i.e. Case or Incident. 3) Under data source related list, look for "Display fields" and add field names which you want to display when using faceted search in SP. 4) Verify if adding more than 4 fields, if they will display or not. 5) To increase the limit, open the impacted search source and look for field "Search page template". 6) Look for the line "<span class="text-muted" ng-repeat="f in item.fields | limitTo: 4". 7) Increase the limit to 5 or more and update the record.