How does the scheduled job 'AWA - Set Inactive Agents Offline' workSummaryThe expectation from most of the admins is that if an agent is idle for more than a minute, the scheduled job - AWA - Set Inactive Agents Offline should kick in, and set the agent's status to offline. However, this is not the expected working and behavior of the scheduled job.ReleaseAll supported releasesInstructionsOnce the agent launches the Agent Workspace, the presence in awa_agent_channel_availability is set to available.Although from the workspace, the agent is still offline.Now to check the agent's presence on awa_agent_presence_capacity table. Have 5 agents open the agent workspace.Change the status for just one agent to available on agent workspace inbox. What you observe here is that if the agent is idle for more than 1 min, the status does not change to offline in awa_agent_presence_capacity table.Now the scheduled job - AWA - Set Inactive Agents Offline does not trigger if the user is idle and active.The status remains as active.Related LinksThe scheduled job AWA - Set Inactive Agents Offline is triggered when the user has closed the agent workspace browser tab.Now if you see the scheduled job, it calls a script include - AgentPresenceManager, and a function - setInactiveAgentsOfflineThe script include is embedded in the platform codes and is not exposed to customers.The code snippet for the function is given below: public void setInactiveAgentsOffline() { fPresenceStateRepo.queryAgentsAvailableWithoutUpdatedQueryHistory(AGENT_INACTIVITY_THRESHOLD_SECONDS.getInt()).forEach(agentSysID -> { List<String> channelUsers = fAMBPresence.getAllUsersInChannel(WorkItemResponder.AMB_CHANNEL_PREFIX + agentSysID); if (!channelUsers.contains(agentSysID)) {, () -> agentSysID, () -> AGENT_INACTIVITY_THRESHOLD_SECONDS.getInt()); fPresenceStateRepo.setAgentPresenceToOffline(agentSysID); } }); } } What this function does is, it checks the AMB connectivity on the browser level for the agent's session.You can track this on the browser's development console. (screenshot attached) The AMB connectivity is established as soon as the user session starts, and the agent launched the workspaceOnce you close the browser tab, the AMB connectivity is lost, and the agent's presence is set to offline after 1 minute.