New Major Security Incident form is failed to load on San Diego environment (In consistent Behaviour)DescriptionAt MSIM Workspace, New Major Security Incident form is not loading on San Diego Instances. Steps to Reproduce Steps to setup the instance: Set up an instance with San Diego Patch 1 or EA or RTPInstall Major Security Incident Management (sn_msi) Application and its dependenciesFrom the left navigation, search, and Navigate to MSIM Workspace (Major Security Incident Management -> MSIM Workspace)From the list view of the workspace, click the NEW buttonVerify that New Major Security Incident form is loaded properly. Actual Result: Most of the time form is failing to load. Here is the screenshot. Expected Result: New MSI form should be loaded completely as shown below. WorkaroundHere is the Update Set which has the fix for this issue. Load this update set on the instance. The fix for this issue will be included in OOB as part of May store Release.Related Problem: PRB1560236